SSC CGL General Science Questions Asked in 2017 Tier I Exam (All shifts)

Staff selection committee (SSC) is conducting Combined Graduate level exam besides CHSL, CPO, MTS, and Stenographer exam. This year, the exam is happening from 5th August 2017 to 24th August 2017. There are total 3 shifts of the exam i.e Shift I (10-11 am), Shift II (1.15-2.15 pm) & Shift III (4.15-5.15 pm).  We are providing you the memory based questions of many candidates . It will help you to make a strategy for your examination. So Save this post to find General Science question asked in SSC CGL 2017 tire I for all days. Thank you

science question

1.SI Unit of Force
2.Resistance of Ideal Ammeter & Ideal Voltmeter
3.Which of the following does not form smog?
4.Unit of Pressure?
5.SI unit of work?
6.Who is inventor of Laser Printer?
7.Rusting is process of ?
8.Name the Inventor of Laser Printer.
9.Which is the pacemaker of the Human body
10.Why blackboards look black?
11.Anaemia is caused due to deficiency of
12.Founder of X- Ray
13.Haemoglobin is present in
14.Which is known as dry ice
15.The pacemaker is used for which organ in Human Body?
16.who discovered Bluetooth ?
17.Who invented Vacuum Pump?
18.Common name of Sodium Carbonate
19.Spinach is rich in
20.Who discovered Cholera?
21.Itai Itai disease is caused by?
22.Bud grows from which part of the plant?
23.Which acid is present in Ant Sting?
24.Five kingdom classification was given by?
25.Who is responsible for transportation of water from roots to leaves?
26.Which diseases is caused due to bite of female Anopheles Mosquito?
27.Saffron is obtained from which part of the plant?
28.Anemia is caused due to deficiency of?
29.Which metal is used in bulb?
30.Which instrument is used for measuring humidity in the air?
31.Which of the following quantities is not Vector Quantity?
32.Who discovered dynamite?
33.Transportation of oxygen in human beings is done by?
34.What makes the light change its path when it strikes a slit?
35.Mirage is caused due to?
36.Which of the following is the function of Kidney?
37.Which is formed by combination of acid and base?
38.Which is the weakest bone in human body?
39.Who invented Television?
40.What is the product of Mass velocity called?
41.Which is not present in plants?
42.Sunlight helps to get which vitamin?
43.Acid rain consists of which of the following
44.Nephrons are part of which system?
45.What is the Loss of electron oxidation is called?
46.Which is the Ore of aluminium?
47.Question asked on Plant Hormones.
48.SI unit of Electricity?
49.Who is the inventor of In vitro fertilisation?
50.Which of the following is not emulsifier?
51.What is PH value of milk?
52.What is the full form of RNA?
53.Name the largest cell of human body?
54.Potassium nitrate used in which industry?
55.Which industry use potassium sulphate?
56.SI unit of temperature?
57.The biggest mammal is?
58.Man’s color is due to which pigment?
59.Power House of Cells?
60.NaOCl2 is the formula of which susbtance?
61.Study of fungi is called ?
62.Name the bacteria who is responsible for jamming of curd?
63.Alveoli deals with which part of the system?
64.Full form of BOD
65.Name the national water animal of india?
66.SI Unit of sound intensity 
67.Pairs of ribs in human body?
68.Polio vaccine discovery
69.Sodium bicarbonate usually named as?
70.Which of the following is iron ore?
71.What is the SI unit of heat energy?
72.When you are moving upwards, which is constant?
73.Which of the following is female harmone.
74.Full form of DNA.
75.Who is centigrade scale inventor?
76.Pascal’s law.
77.How do Unicellular organism reproduce?
78.Which is used during ingestion antacids/analgesic?
79.Which is not malleable?
80.i) Aluminum                  ii) Silver                               iii) Potassium                       iv) Gold
81.Common name of sodium bicarbonate.

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